Best International Paper

This award is given to the paper judged to be the best international paper submitted to the HCM Division. The award is sponsored by the HCM Division and comes with a cash award and an award plaque from the Division. Eligible papers must be self-identified and identified by the Program Chair as international or Carolyn Dexter Award nominees. The HCM Best International Paper will be submitted to AOM as the HCMD nominee for the Dexter Award. Authors of eligible papers are encouraged to identify their papers for consideration of this award during the Academy’s paper submission process. A committee headed by the Program Chair and comprised of selected members of the Executive Committee and the previous year's winner of the award, selects the winner.


Margo Janssens, Samantha Van Der Bruggen, Alexander Schouten, Laurens Beerepoot, Roger Leenders. “Utterance Based Analysis of Communicative Phases in Multidisciplinary Health Care Team Meetings”

2022 Rachel Gifford, Daan Westra, Frank Van De Baan, Dirk Ruwaard, and Bram Fleuren. "Through the looking glass: Healthcare management's biggest challenges in the wake of crisis"
2021: Rachel Gifford, Daan Westra, Frank Van De Baan, Dirk Ruwaard, Fred Zijlstra, Lieze Poesen, and Bram Fleuren. "To Uncertainty and Beyond: Cataloguing Hospitals’ Adaptations during the COVID-19 pandemic" 
2020: Marco Tonellato, Daniele Mascia, Alessandro Lomi, Jürgen Lerner. "Assembling the Team: An Analysis of Partner Selection and Performance in Robot-Assisted Surgery"
2019: Stefano Tasselli, Balint Neray, Alessandro Lomi. "An Alter-Centric Interpretation of Social Network Centrality in Health Care Organizations”
2017:   Eugene Tay, Sebastiano Massaro, and Ivo Vlaev. “Toward a Behavioral Model of Shared Decision Making”
2016: Daan Westra, Federica Angeli, Martin Carree, Dirk Ruwaard. “Does Price Competition Drive Cooperation in Health Care? A Stochastic Actor Oriented Model Analysis”
2015: Michael D. Fischer, Ewan Ferlie, Catherine French, Naomi Fulop, and Charles Wolf. “Affective Mobilization in Major Institutional Change: Creating an Academic Health Science Center”
2014: Alessandro Lomi, Daniele Mascia, Duy Quang Vu, Francesca Pallotti, Guido Conaldi, and Theodore J. Iwashyna. “Do patient sharing networks between hospitals afford access to better care?”
2013: Daniele Mascia, Federica Angeli, and Fausto Di Vencenzo. “Effect of Hospital Referral Networks on Appropriateness of Hospitalization Decisions: A HLM Analysis”
2012: Anna Prenestini, Stefano Calciolari, Frederico Lega and Roberto Grilli. “Exploring the Relationship Between Organizational Culture and Clinical Governance in the Italian NHS”
2011: Daniele Mascia, Federica Morandi, and Americo Cicchetti. “Looking Good or Doing Better? Patterns of Decoupling in the Implementation of Clinical Directorates”
2010: Ewan Ferlie, Gerald McGivern and Louise Fitzgerald. “A New Mode of Organizing in Health Care?: UK cancer services and governmentality”



Vishwanath V. Baba, Louise Tourigny, Xiaoyun Wang, Terri R. Lituchy, and Silvia Ines Monserrat. “Stress Among Nurses: A Multi-Nation Test of the Demand-Control-Support Model*”

*The paper was also a finalist for AOM’s Carolyn Dexter Award

2008:   Richard Holti & John Storey. “Sense-making by Clinical and Non-Clinical Executive Directors within New Governance Arrangements”