2023 |
Margo Janssens, Samantha Van Der Bruggen, Alexander Schouten, Laurens Beerepoot, Roger Leenders. “Utterance Based Analysis of Communicative Phases in Multidisciplinary Health Care Team Meetings”
2022 |
Rachel Gifford, Daan Westra, Frank Van De Baan, Dirk Ruwaard, and Bram Fleuren. "Through the looking glass: Healthcare management's biggest challenges in the wake of crisis" |
2021: |
Rachel Gifford, Daan Westra, Frank Van De Baan, Dirk Ruwaard, Fred Zijlstra, Lieze Poesen, and Bram Fleuren. "To Uncertainty and Beyond: Cataloguing Hospitals’ Adaptations during the COVID-19 pandemic" |
2020: |
Marco Tonellato, Daniele Mascia, Alessandro Lomi, Jürgen Lerner. "Assembling the Team: An Analysis of Partner Selection and Performance in Robot-Assisted Surgery" |
2019: |
Stefano Tasselli, Balint Neray, Alessandro Lomi. "An Alter-Centric Interpretation of Social Network Centrality in Health Care Organizations” |
2018: |
2017: |
Eugene Tay, Sebastiano Massaro, and Ivo Vlaev. “Toward a Behavioral Model of Shared Decision Making” |
2016: |
Daan Westra, Federica Angeli, Martin Carree, Dirk Ruwaard. “Does Price Competition Drive Cooperation in Health Care? A Stochastic Actor Oriented Model Analysis” |
2015: |
Michael D. Fischer, Ewan Ferlie, Catherine French, Naomi Fulop, and Charles Wolf. “Affective Mobilization in Major Institutional Change: Creating an Academic Health Science Center” |
2014: |
Alessandro Lomi, Daniele Mascia, Duy Quang Vu, Francesca Pallotti, Guido Conaldi, and Theodore J. Iwashyna. “Do patient sharing networks between hospitals afford access to better care?” |
2013: |
Daniele Mascia, Federica Angeli, and Fausto Di Vencenzo. “Effect of Hospital Referral Networks on Appropriateness of Hospitalization Decisions: A HLM Analysis” |
2012: |
Anna Prenestini, Stefano Calciolari, Frederico Lega and Roberto Grilli. “Exploring the Relationship Between Organizational Culture and Clinical Governance in the Italian NHS” |
2011: |
Daniele Mascia, Federica Morandi, and Americo Cicchetti. “Looking Good or Doing Better? Patterns of Decoupling in the Implementation of Clinical Directorates” |
2010: |
Ewan Ferlie, Gerald McGivern and Louise Fitzgerald. “A New Mode of Organizing in Health Care?: UK cancer services and governmentality” |
2009: |
Vishwanath V. Baba, Louise Tourigny, Xiaoyun Wang, Terri R. Lituchy, and Silvia Ines Monserrat. “Stress Among Nurses: A Multi-Nation Test of the Demand-Control-Support Model*”
*The paper was also a finalist for AOM’s Carolyn Dexter Award
2008: |
Richard Holti & John Storey. “Sense-making by Clinical and Non-Clinical Executive Directors within New Governance Arrangements” |