This award recognizes the members who go above and beyond the call of duty in their efforts reviewing papers and symposium proposals submitted to the Academy’s annual program. The Program Chair determines the selection committee, and approximately ten reviewers are chosen each year as Outstanding Reviewers, on the basis of the quality and comprehensiveness of their reviews. Winners are recognized at the Division’s annual business meeting and receive a certificate of appreciation.
Award Winners
Daniele Mascia, Mitchell Tang, Brian Hilligoss, Sara Singer, Leeann Comfort, Eva Lilie Josephine Pattyn, Wardah Qureshi, Anand Bhardwaj, Christy Harris Lemak, Sasmira Matta
Aaron Spaulding, Ahmad M. Ashkanani, Alison Murphy, Anand Bhardwaj, Brian Hilligoss, Carl Rudolf Blankart, Clayton Thomas, Erin Sullivan, Hanu Tyagi, J'Aime Jennings, Jean-Baptiste Gartner, Jennifer HefnerJennifer Gutberg, Jessica N. Mittler, Joshua Adam Gerlick, Karin Kee, Karleen F. Giannitrapani, Kristina Leppälä, Laura McClelland, Mariam Krikorian Atkinson, Matthew John DePuccio, Mattia J. Gilmartin, Meena Andiappan, Minjie Gao, Nadine Gerhardt, Nathan Carroll, Nitish Patidar, Patrick Shay, Patrick Albert Palmieri, Rachel Gifford, Robert Weech-Maldonado, Robin Peeters, Shu Zhang, Thomas Reibel, Victoria Parker, Yaminette Diaz-Linhart
Karan Babbar, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad
Nathan Carroll, Virginia Commonwealth
Matt DePuccio, Rush U.
Cathleen Erwin, Auburn U.
Bram Fleuren, Maastricht U.
Tia Gilmartin, New York U.
Mitchell Glavin, Stonehill College
Tuna Hayirili, Harvard Business School
Brian Hilligoss, U. of Arizona
Hale Kaynak, U. Texas Rio Grande Valley
Karin Kee, VrijeU. Amsterdam
Ambar LaForgia, Columbia U.
Lambert ZixinLi, StandfordU.
IssacLim, U. of Oxford
Emmanuel Kwasi Mawuena
Sheffield Business School, U.K.
Kathleen Montgomery, U Calif Riverside
William Olivera, Georgia State U.
Vicky Parker, U. of New Hampshire
Tracy H. Porter, Cleveland State U.
Morgann Reid, U of Toronto
Patrick Shay, Trinity U.
Amber Stephenson, Clarkson U.
Erin Sullivan, Suffolk U.
Michele Thornton, SUNY Oswego
Daniel Walker, Ohio State U.
Judith W. Alexander, U. of South Carolina
Alexandra Bray, Yale School of Management
Matthew John DePuccio, The Ohio State University
Josue Patien Epane, University of Nevada Las Vegas
Bram Fleuren, Maastricht University
Silke Geithner, Evangelische Hochschule Dresden
Karleen F. Giannitrapani, Stanford University
Jennifer Hefner, The Ohio State University
Vanessa Beth Hurley, Georgetown University
Yeongin Kim, Virginia Commonwealth University
Trish Reay, University of Alberta
Björn Schäfer, WFI Ingolstadt School of Management
Sara Singer, Stanford University
Aaron Spaulding, Mayo Clinic
Amber Stephenson, Clarkson University
Hanu Tyagi, U. of Minnesota Carlson School of Management
Daniel M. Walker, The Ohio State University
Ajit Appari, Northeastern University
Fausto Di Vincenzo, D'Annunzio University of Chieti–Pescara
Jennifer Gutberg, University of Toronto
Larry Hearld, University of Alabama, Birmingham
Jennifer Hefner, Ohio State University
Tory Harper Hogan, Ohio State University
Valerie A. Lewis, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Michael Lin, HealthStream
Deborah M. Mullen, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga
Cheryl Rathert, Saint Louis University
Trish Reay, University of Alberta
Patrick Shay, Trinity University
Sara Singer, Stanford University
Amber Stephenson, Clarkson University
Maike Tietschert, Vrije University Amsterdam
Brendon Wolff-Piggott, University of Cape Town
Daan Westra, Maastricht University
Seokjun Youn, University of Arizona
Gary Young, Northeastern University
Aaron Spaulding, Mayo Clinic
Ann Nguyen, New York U.
Beth Brooks, The Brooks Group, LLC
Brian Hilligoss, U. of Arizona
Christy Harris Lemak, U. of Alabama, Birmingham
Iman Taani, National U. of Singapore
Issac Lim, U. of Oxford
Jennifer Ling Bagdasarian, Florida Atlantic U.
Leeann Comfort, U. of California, Berkeley
Michael Lin, Providigm
Michael Mattern, European Business School, Wiesbaden
Patricia Satterstrom, New York U.
Pierre-Luc Fournier, U. of Sherbrooke
Rachel Gifford, Faculty of Economics and Business, U. of Groningen
Roberta Bernardi, U. of Bristol
Soo-Hoon Lee, Old Dominion U.
Trish Reay, U. of Alberta
Valerie Lewis, U. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Wadih Renno, McGill U.
Established Reviewers
Leeann Comfort
Fausto DiVincenzo
Bram Fleuren
Larry Hearld
Brian Hilligoss
Valerie Lewis
Laura McClelland
Bjorn Mork
Ingrid Nembhard
Teresa Carla Oliveira
Trish Reay
Patrick Shay
Sara Singer
Amber Stephenson
Emily Stiehl
Maike Tietschert
Outstanding Early Career Reviewers
Roberta Bernardi
Emmeline Chuang
Hwangji Lu
Ann Nguyen
Daan Westra
Elizabeth Clayton
Sebastian Gurtner
Larry R. Hearld
Eva Maria Oppel
Ann M. Nguyen
Katrina Radford
Trish Reay
Peter Rivard
Geoffrey Silvera
Patrick Shay
Rebecca S. Wells
Larry R. Hearld, U of Alabama at Birmingham
Nathan Carroll, U of Alabama at Birmingham
Suzanne J. Wood, U of Washington
Virginia Bodolica, American U of Sharjah
Laura McClelland, Virginia Commonwealth U
Rocco Palumbo, Harvard U
Daniel Walker, Ohio State U
Peter E. Rivard, Suffolk U
Sara J. Singer, Harvard U
Christopher J. Louis, Boston U
Naleef Fareed, Pennsylvania State U
Trish Reay, U of Alberta
Emily Read, U of Western Ontario
Brian Hilligoss, Ohio State U
Established Reviewers:
Virginia Bodolica, American U of Sharjah
Ena Louise Howse, Queen's U (retired)
Amy Yarbrough Landry, U of Alabama at Birmingham
Deirdre McCaughey, U of Alabama at Birmingham
Laura McClelland, Virginia Commonwealth U
Josephine McMurray, Wilfrid Laurier U
Trish Reay, U of Alberta
Peter Rivard, Suffolk U
Patricia Satterstrom, Harvard U
David Turnipseed, U of South Alabama
Timothy Vogus, Vanderbilt U
Thomas Wicker, McKesson Specialty HealthEarly Career Reviewers:
Sarah Birken, UNC Chapel-Hill
Nick Edwardson, U of New Mexico
Leigh Evans, Boston U
Jordan Everson, U of Michigan
Ashley-Kay Fryer, Harvard U
Brian Hilligoss, Ohio State U
Jessica Mittler, Virginia Commonwealth U
Emily Read, U of Western Ontario
Renee Wiedner, U of Cambridge
Azza AbuDagga
Sarah Birken, UNC Chapel-Hill
Cathleen O. Erwin, Auburn U
Sebastian Gurtner, U of Technology Dresden
Jennifer Hefner, Ohio State U
Brian Hilligoss, Ohio State U
Christina Hoon, U of Hannover
Laura McClelland, Virginia Commonwealth U
Trish Reay, U of Alberta
Emily Reed
Peter Rivard, Suffolk U
Sara Singer, Harvard U
Louise Tourigny, U of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Robert Weech-Maldonado, U of Alabama at Birmingham
Renee Wiedner, U of Cambridge
Matthew Archibald, U. of Pittsburgh
Margarete Arndt, Clark U.
Emmeline Chuang, UCLA
Ellen F. Goldman, George Washington U.
Larry R. Hearld, U. of Alabama, Birmingham
Ena Louise Howse, self employed
Jessica Mittler, Penn State
Amit Nigam, New York U.
Trish Reay, U. of Alberta
Peter E. Rivard, Suffolk U.
Kate Shacklock, Griffith U.
Geoffrey Silvera, Penn State
Margerete Arndt, Clark U.
Stephen A. Dobson, Schulich School of Business
Mattia J. Gilmartin, New York U.
Kateryna Grabovets, Erasmus U. Rotterdam
Michael I. Harrison, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Kerstin Helminlinger, Oxford U.
Ena Louise Howse, self employed
Daniel R. Kowalski, Kowalski Consulting and Management LLC
Lauchlan McKenzie Morre, U. of Queensland
Victoria Anne Parker, Boston U.
Elisa Pintus, Libera U. Internazionale degli Studi Sociali
Nancy Purdy, Ryerson U.
Katrina Radford, Griffith U.
Trish Reay, U. of Alberta
Tom J. Sanders, U. of Montevallo
Sara J. Singer, Harvard U.
Chester S. Spell, Rutgers U.
Louise Tourigny, U. of Wisconsin, Whitewater
Isaac Vaghefi, Desautels Faculty of Management
Melissa Valentine, Harvard U.
Katie M. White, U. of Minnesota
Jeff Helton, U. of Texas Health Science Center
Kathleen Montgomery, U. of California, Riverside
Rebecca Wells, U. of North Carolina
Josephine McMurray, U. of Waterloo
Ann Langley, HEC Montreal
Tim Hoff, U. of Albany, SUNY
Christopher Johnson, Texas A&M Health Science Center
Peter Rivard, Suffolk U.
Ellen Goldman, George Washington U.
Judith Alexander, U. of South Carolina
Shital Shah, Rush U.
Barbara Wilson, U. of Toronto
Barbara Bigelow, Clark U.
Ann Scheck McAlearney, Ohio State U.
Margarete Arndt, Clark U.
Margarete Arndt, Clark U.
Jason Azuma, Boston U.
Barbara Bigelow, Clark U.
Carol Chau, Finger Lakes Health
Jon Chilingerian, Brandies U.
Marlys Christianson, U of Toronto
Jonathan Clark, Harvard U.
Mattia Gilmartin, Gilmartin Worldwide, Inc
Christopher Johnson, Texas A&M Health Science Center
Amy Landry, U. of Alabama, Birmingham
Ann Langley, HEC Montreal
Robert Weech-Moldonado, U. of Alabama, Birmingham
Rebecca Wells, U. of North Carolina
April Lee Wright, U. of Queensland
Carol Young, Memorial Hermann Healthcare System
Margarete Arndt, Clark University
Carol L. Chau, Finger Lakes Health
Jami DelliFraine, University of Texas
Mattia Gilmartin, Gilmartin Worldwide, Inc.
Jonathon Halbesleben, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
Christopher Johnson, Texas A&M University Health Science Center
Amy Yarbrough Landry, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Kathleen Montgomery, University of California, Riverside
Robert Myrtle, University of Southern California
Ingrid Nembhard, Yale University
Lori Peterson, Texas Tech University
Cheryl Rathert, University of Missouri, Columbia
Wayne Sorensen, Texas State University-San Marcos
Carol Young, Memorial Hermann Healthcare System
Robert Weech-Maldonado, University of Florida
Michael I. Harrison, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Eric W. Ford, Texas Tech University
Mattia J Gilmartin, Gilmartin Worldwide, Inc.
Rebecca Wells, University of North Carolina
Carol L. Chau, Finger Lakes Health
Steve Richard Andersen, Northwest Christian College
Ingrid M. Nembhard, Yale University
Cheryl Rathert, University of Missouri, Columbia
Trish Reay, University of Alberta
Robert C. Myrtle, University of Southern California
Terrie C. Reeves, University of North Carolina Greensboro
Amy K. Yarbrough, University of Florida
Peter E. Rivard, Suffolk University
Sherrie Lu, University of Phoenix
Glen E. Randall, McMaster University
Not Available
Steve Anderson, Black Hills State University
Robert Myrtle, University of Southern California
Anita Tucker, University of Pennsylvania
Eric Williams, University of Alabama
Edward Balotsky, Saint Joseph University
Carol Chau, Syracuse University
Larry Herald, University of Michigan
Ena Louise Howse, Queen’s University
Keith Provan, University of Arizona
Myron Fottler, University of Central Florida
David Chambers, National Institutes of Health
Marty Charns, Boston U.
Ann Chou, Indiana U.
Allison Cuellar, Columbia U.
Michele Issel, U. of Illinois Chicago
Amit Nigam, Northwestern U.
Vicky Parker, Boston U.
Ebrahim Randeree, U. at Buffalo
Robert Weech-Maldonado, U. of Florida
Elizabeth West, U. of London, United Kingdom
Judith Alexander, University of South Carolina
Edward Balotsky, Saint Joseph's University
Manuela Brusoni, Bocconi University
Eric Ford, Pennsylvania State University
Bruce Fried, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Mattia Gilmartin, INSEAD, Healthcare Management Initiative
Richard Grover, University of Southern Maine
Diana Hilberman, University of California at Los Angeles
Trish Reay, University of Alberta
Peter Rivard, Boston College
Rebecca Wells, Pennsylvania State University
David Williams, Appalachian State University
Not Available
Judith Alexander, University of South Carolina
Edward Balotsky, Monmouth University
Beth Brooks, University of Illinois, Chicago
Kirsten Corrazini-Gomez, Duke University
Nicole Dubbs, Columbia University
Eric Ford, Penn State
Grant Savage, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
John Scribler, University of Rhode Island
Robert Weech-Maldonado, Penn State