Call for Webinar Submissions
The Membership Engagement Committee of the Health Care Management (HCM) Division of the Academy of Management invites submissions of webinar ideas. HCM would like to host several 45-60 minute webinar experiences over the year to increase opportunities to engage with healthcare management scholars and practitioners on emerging topics of interest. HCM webinars are typically 45-60 minutes and host a panel of 3-4 scholars or practitioners and a moderator. Previous webinar topics have included teaching strategies, transitions from practice to academia, and career transitions during the pandemic. If you have an idea for a potential topic or if you already have a panel of scholars ready to discuss a topic, we would love to hear from you. We are interested in working with you at every stage of webinar development, and we are committed to providing meaningful content across career stages. Please submit webinar ideas, questions, and concerns to the HCM Membership Engagement Committee at with “Webinar” in the subject line.
Call for Research Collaborative Communities
The Membership Engagement Committee of the Health Care Management (HCM) Division of the Academy of Management invites submissions for Research Collaborative Communities. Research Collaborative Communities (RCCs) were piloted during the COVID-19 pandemic within HCM to channel the talents and perspectives of the HCM members into research groups. Several research projects were initiated and completed as a result of these RCCs. Building from this, we would like to create RCCs around topics of emerging interests of HCM members. If you are interested in leading a research collaborative, the membership engagement committee is here to help. You may have found a new area of interest, or you may be in search of collaborators who are working in similar topic areas. We envision that RCCs may be a means for HCM members to engage on topics of interest. Leading an RCC will entail scheduling remote discussions and hosting virtual workspaces. HCM’s membership engagement committee will facilitate connecting members to the RCC and initiating the virtual workspaces. If you have an idea for a potential research community or already have a group of scholars working around a topic area, we would love to hear from you. Please submit RCC ideas, questions, and concerns to the HCM Membership Engagement Committee at with “RCC or Research Community” in the subject line.