
Check out the June 2024 HCM Division Newsletter

A Message from Cheryl Rathert, HCM Division Chair

Greetings HCM Members!

It’s hard to believe that this year’s AOM conference will begin in just a few weeks. The program has recently been posted (https://aom2024.eventscribe.net/), so you can start perusing all the many exciting sessions HCM is offering this year. Many thanks to so many members for submitting such great work!

HCM Program Highlights

You may notice a change in AOM’s schedule from previous years, that is, many scholarly sessions will be held on Sunday, August 11 this year. This is a departure from a long-time tradition wherein paper sessions were rarely scheduled on Sundays.

In addition to HCM’s usual program of scholarly works and professional development workshops (PDWs), consider attending the following special events:

  • Friday, August 9 from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm: HCM Emerging Scholars Consortium
  • Friday, August 9 from 6:00 – 10:00 pm: HCM Emerging Scholars Consortium reception, offsite at Fight Club
  • Saturday, August 10 from 6:30 – 10:30 pm: PDW Social, offsite at Sienna Tavern
  • Sunday, August 11 from Noon- 4:00 pm: Site List to Rush University Medical Centre for the session, "Advancing Sustainability Through Healthcare Management" (Note: Transportation provided. Attendees must sign up in advance, by July 19th . Sign up here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/AOM_Session_21686
  • Monday, August 12 from 4:15 – 5:15 pm: HCM’s Annual Business Meeting
  • Monday, August 12 from 5:15 – 6:15 pm: The 2024 Keith G. Provan Distinguished Scholar Award winner’s keynote address
  • Monday, August 12 from 6:30 – 10:30 pm: HCM Division Reception, offsite at SPIN Chicago.

HCM Student Social Event

Students: as you plan your travel and hotel accommodations for the Annual Meeting, we would like to remind you about the student social that will take place on the evening of Thursday, August 8th, the day before the official start of the conference. The student social is a fun way to meet new peers, connect with old ones, and settle in before the exciting week ahead! It is a great way to get to know some fellow students before the official start of the conference and have some familiar faces for the rest of the week.

Details on the location and exact time of the event will be communicated to those participating at least one week before the event. Please sign up via this link to ensure you will be informed on the time and location and so we have an estimate of how many people to expect.

Also, make sure to not miss the Emerging Scholars Consortium on Friday the 9th of August. Our amazing Division Program Chair-Elect Amber Stephenson and all the PDW submitters have worked hard to organize an interactive and meaningful day of PDWs specifically designed for emerging scholars.  

Call for Volunteers!

Following the conference in August, the new year for HCM begins. This means that some elected leaders may finish their terms, newly elected members begin their terms, some appointed members leave their positions, and most committees bring on a few new members. More details about specific openings will be provided soon, but please start thinking now about serving as a volunteer in 2024 – 2025! For new HCM members, serving on a committee is a great way to get to know people and learn how HCM works. For long-time HCM members, it is a way to give back to HCM and mentor new members and rising leaders. It is our engaged volunteers that make HCM such an enriching community! Please keep an eye out for volunteer recruitment emails over the next several weeks.

2.     Election Results: HCM Division

From: Ria Hearld

I am thrilled to announce the results of the HCM Division election:

Program Chair Elect (PDW Chair): Ingrid Nembhard, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Academic-at-large: Gordon Shen, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston School of Public Health
Practitioner-at-large: Mishell Klatt, Marymount University
Global-Representative: Abi Sriharan, Schulich School of Business, York University

Thank you all for helping participate in the elections and congratulations to the new members of the Executive Committee!

3.     HCM Emerging Scholars Consortium 2024

From: Amber Stephenson

Are you a junior faculty member, post-doc, or doctoral student with research and/or teaching interests in health care management? 

Join us for the Health Care Management (HCM) Emerging Scholars Consortium (ESC) on Friday, August 9th in the Fairmont Hotel Cuvee Room in Chicago.

Why join us?

The ESC is a great way to get to know the HCM community, as well as to meet colleagues and collaborators. The content of the ESC is specially designed to be helpful for students and newer scholars. 

We’ve got a great line-up for this year! 

Emerging Scholars Consortium, Part I (Morning 8:00AM-12:30PM) – includes the following sessions:

  • LinkedUp: Mastering the Art of Professional Networking
  • Becoming an HCM Scholar: Demystifying HCM’s Hidden Curriculum
  • Addressing Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Justice & Reconciliation: A Doctoral Student Perspective – Part 2 

Emerging Scholars Consortium, Part II (Afternoon 2:00PM-5:00PM) – includes the following sessions:

  • Evaluating Team Based Learning: Bridging the Classroom and Workplace
  • Strategizing for a Life in Academia: Long-term Plan or Emergent Sense-making 

While the consortium content is curated for students and junior faculty, everyone is welcome to attend.

If you are interested in attending or have any questions, please contact Amber Stephenson, PDW Chair, at astephen@clarkson.edu.

We look forward to seeing you there! 

4.     HCM Division Student Representative: Call for Nominations

From: Pejmon Noghrehchi & Robin Peeters

Due: July 1st, 2024

Dear HCM students,

We hope you are all as excited about the upcoming AoM conference as we are! Are you interested in becoming more involved in the division and be the voice of the HCM students? The HCM Division has a position of Student Representative opening soon.

What do you do as a Student Representative?
In short, we are the voices of the HCM students in the Executive Committee. We join the monthly (online) Executive Committee meetings and represent the students of the division. We help organize the Emerging Scholars Consortium at the Annual Meeting, submit PDW's, and organize the Student Social event on the Thursday before the official start of the Annual Meeting. Additionally, we co-chair the Student Engagement Committee, in which a group of students works together to ensure the student voices are shared within the division. The position allows for a lot of personal input and creativity - any things that you think can benefit the students of the HCM division can become part of your role as Student Representative. Please note that the position is for two years: there are two Student Representatives who change every other year. Robin will leave this year, PJ will leave the next year, so you will then be working with a new Student Representative. The position will formally start after this year’s conference.

Why should you apply?
Being Student Representative is an amazing opportunity in many ways. It allows you to meet many people in the HCM division, work with them, and learn from them. It allows you to think about the needs of students within the division and help facilitate these needs, in which there is a lot of freedom and creativity in how you want to do this. It is an amazing learning opportunity in which you get to improve your leadership skills, communication skills, organization skills, and many more. If you like working together with a diverse group of people and advocating the voice of the students, then this might be the perfect position for you!

Yes!! How can I apply?
You can apply by sending an e-mail before July 1st to Pejmon Noghrehchi and Robin Peeters (noghrehchi.1@buckeyemail.osu.edu & rej.peeters@maastrichtuniversity.nl), including:
• Your name
• University
• Email address
• When you are expected to finish your degree
• Whether you are expecting to be at the annual conference in 2024, 2025, and 2026 
• Briefly explain why you want to serve as a Student Representative (may speak to prior leadership experience, potential goals, benefits of participation with HCM, etc.)?

We are looking forward to your application! If you have any questions, please feel free to send us an e-mail before applying. 



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