AOM HCM Division- December Newsletter
In this Newsletter:
- Message from the HCM Division Chair
- Submission Deadline for Annual Meeting in Copenhagen (Deadline: January 7, 2025)
- Nominate a Colleague for an HCM Division Award
- Accepting Nominations for the Keith G. Provan Distinguished Scholar Award (Deadline: January 31, 2025)
- Reflecting on Experiential Learning at Rush University Medical Centre
December Newsletter- HCM Division Updates
1. Message from the HCM Division Chair
On to Copenhagen
Planning for Copenhagen 2025 is fully underway. The HCM Executive Committee has spent the past two months working with AOM and colleagues at Copenhagen Business School to plan for a truly unique annual meeting experience this July. We have some exciting plans involving distinctive venues and HCM community-building experiences.
The next milestone for Copenhagen is upon us—submitting your papers, PDW and symposia proposals, and posters (new this year!). The submission deadline is Tuesday, 07 January 2025 at 17:00 (5 pm) EST (UTC-5 / GMT-5), but earlier submissions are encouraged. Please carefully review the submission guidelines and formatting instructions before submitting. If you have questions regarding papers, symposia proposals, or posters, please contact the HCM Division's Program Chair, Amber Stephenson ( For questions regarding PDW proposals, please contact the HCM PDW Chair, Ingrid Nembhard (
It is also time to start thinking about colleagues to nominate for the various HCM Division awards we present each year at the annual meeting. Calls for nominations for research, teaching (including HCM’s inaugural Outstanding Early Career Educator Award), and service awards will be announced in the coming weeks and months; however, we can all start thinking about potential nominees now.
Speaking of awards, the Keith G. Provan Distinguished Scholar Award is now open for nominations. The Provan Award winner is decided early in the year because the winner is invited to give a keynote address at the conference. Consider nominating someone for this prestigious award. Information can be found here, and nominations should be emailed to HCM Research Committee Chair, Daniel Walker (, by January 31, 2025.
Finally, on behalf of the entire HCM Executive Committee, I hope you all have a wonderful new year.
Nick Edwardson
HCM Division Chair
2. Reflecting on Experiential Learning at Rush University Medical Centre
Here’s to Advancing Sustainability through Healthcare Management and Making New Friends!
A highlight of this year’s Academy of Management Conference in Chicago was the professional development workshop co-led by myself and my dedicated colleagues, Maike Tietschert (Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management), Andy Garman (Rush University), Erik van Raaij (Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management), and Sara Singer (Stanford University), which focused on advancing sustainability through healthcare management.
A bus of scholars from six countries took a 15-minute trip from Downtown Chicago to Rush University Medical Center campus.

Ready to hit the road! (Photo Courtesy of Amber Stephenson)
Once on campus, the workshop was informative and highly interactive, offering participants a unique blend of educational experiences, including virtual tours of sustainability initiatives at both Rush University and Erasmus. Participants also had the opportunity to network with potential new collaborators while engaging in an interactive simulation designed to challenge their strategic thinking. In the simulation, teams were tasked with selecting initiatives they believed would help their hospital reach the ambitious goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 40% or more within five years while maintaining success across key organizational outcomes such as patient care, employee engagement, and operating margins. The lively debrief that followed allowed teams to share their selected strategies and discuss the implications for real-world healthcare organizations.

Maike and Sara lead the conversation! (Photo Courtesy of Erik van Raaij)
Participants then engaged in a brainstorming session to explore opportunities for healthcare management research aimed at furthering ecological sustainability. Teams discussed how existing theories and frameworks could be adapted to answer questions that could advance research on healthcare sustainability. We are reviewing the data collected during the session and look forward to continuing this important conversation in the coming weeks and months.
A big thank you to the HCMD Executive and PDW Planning Committees and all participants who made this PDW possible!
-Matthew DePuccio
Rush University, College of Health Sciences
Note from the Communications Committee: We apologize that this message was not included in the October HCM Newsletter; this was our oversight.